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We Fear, Therefore We Are
送交者: renqiulan 2024年05月09日16:13:50 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话



This is my version of "Through The Looking-Glass."

In Wonderland, Alice found herself once again traversing through the looking-glass, where everything was familiar yet strangely different, especially when the Red Queen was literally towing her on a high-speed run. Alice's feet hardly touched the ground.

"What's the hurry?" Alice wondered aloud.

The Red Queen somehow managed to catch her breath. With a royal accent, she told Alice that it took all the running they could do just to stay alive in the same place.

"So we're running for our lives, and we're not a step ahead!" Fear struck Alice from nowhere. Reading her mind, the Red Queen felt a need to lay out the hairy situation all Wonderland inhabitants shared---

"Chasing us is Jabberwocky, the ever-present threat of extinction. We have no choice but to struggle perpetually for survival. Just so you know, we're actually in some sort of a Jurassic Park. Run or perish!"

"Nature, red in tooth and claw." *

Author: renqiulan

* Alfred Tennyson's quote


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