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The Brain Speaks
送交者: renqiulan 2024年05月14日16:16:28 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话

(Medical Science)


In the vast landscape of the human brain lies a region known as Broca's area, a bustling hub of linguistic traffic. *

Broca's area is home to the wise and benevolent neuron-in-chief named Neura, who oversees all the intricate processes of language production. Tirelessly, she coordinates the movements of lips, tongue, and vocal cords to weave words into meaningful sentences.

Every moment, Neura welcomes a stream of thoughts and ideas from the far reaches of the brain.

Suddenly, a wave of confusion sweeps through the neural pathways, disrupting the flow of words and leaving sentences jumbled and incomplete.

Neura and her fellow neurons scramble to restore order, discovering the source of the problem—a rogue protein that has stealthily infiltrated Broca's area, causing trouble in its delicate machinery. Having a clean shot at the bad guy, Neura's SWAT team promptly puts an end to the threat. Whew!

With the brain, one can think out loud.

Author: renqiulan

* This area, situated in the frontal lobe of the left hemisphere of the brain, was identified in 1861 by French surgeon Paul Broca.

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