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送交者: 王利民 2021月01月15日19:20:14 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 重:NO COVID-19 Shroud on Injury王利民 于 2020-12-30 13:25:50

[The following is a follow-up email to my 12/29/2020 correspondence, titled The Pursuit of Justice --- PLEASE No COVID-19 Shroud Over Serious Injuries, to the related sides about my injuries and sufferings.]

Jan. 15, 2021

Hi, Any Party Responsive Possibly,

I recently checked the NYS WCB eCase about Case# G2029240, and I saw my 12/29/2020 complaint about the medical "diagnoses" and "treatments" from?New York City Medical & Neurological Offices, one of the "treating" medical clinics referred by "my" former "representation" Bangel, Cohen & Falconetti, was made by NYS WCB into ELEVEN documents of "C-4.0", "C-4.2's" or "MED-NARR's", while my 12-page pdf file of complaint was HIDDEN into such so-called "medical reports". I hope that NYS WCB has the FAIRNESS and COURAGE to list my ARTICLE of complaint as a SEPARATE document in eCase Folder. This pdf file of COMPLAINT is attached in this email again but alone. The all other FIFTY-NINE images attached are supposed to be ORDERLY listed as KEY SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIALS in me the CLAIMANT'S CORRESPONDENCE. PLEASE DO THIS BECAUSE IT'S THE VICTIM'S COMPLAINT CORRESPONDENCE. I hope that NYS WCB has the INTEGRITY and CAPACITY to represent what me the VICTIM furiously complains in HIS BEST ORIGINAL FORM of the LONG-HISTORY PREMEDITATED AND COORDINATED STATE TERRORISM.? My complaints were NOT?for the SHAM, SHAME, and CRIME "medical records" under some misleading tags. Isn't it another wanton play of NYS WCB to list one of these ELEVEN documents' Medical Service Date WRONGLY as 03/15/2020? Such an?error either willingful or careless if happened in the employer B.Q. Wide Auto Body Parts Supply, Inc would almost definitely result in an earful, a reason to harsher slavery, or a kick-out, or a fate of me being frequently relentlessly harassed, tortured, threatened, and murder-attempted.

To NYCMNO, I have not heard any response yet, about the repetitively requested "Medical Records", raw or analyzed data, and whether it's possible to take my 12/29/2020 email input as a tele-medic and to give me a general referral of head or brain MRI. If NYCMNO?would like to answer, please answer in email so both sides have the RECORD of what's ACTUALLY happening or not happening.

For the NYS WCB, I have been appealing long enough, kind of since from the very beginning after the fall on Jan. 16, 2018, because such a SHAM, SHAME, & CRIME Workers' Compensation system practically does NOT allow an injured worker to get the REAL diagnoses and treatments. Tremendous amount of evidence is there to show that HUMAN SCUMS from government and business have premeditated and coordinated to ruin me and my family. A so-called FREE WORLD has been again and again shown to the WHOLE WORLD its true identity, a MURDEROUS FRAUD, sadly and madly. No TRUTH or JUSTICE is accessible to me the victim so far. If ANYONE thinks the compensation of $430/week, or $150/week, or $0 is what I deserve, I pray to GOD that such an EVIL SYSTEM turns to you ASAP one way or another.

It's an extra enormous pain, physically and psychologically, to collect, organize, and represent what I have sustained from MANY INVOLVED POI's. Within days, expect me to tell what some MURDERERS AND HUMAN SCUMS in New York Medical & Diagnostic Center had done to PROFESSIONALLY HURT or ATTEMPT TO MURDER me in their disguise of medical "diagnoses" and "treatments".

Very Truly Yours,

Limin Wang
Injured Victim

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