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手機版: Facebook Canada 黑客, 過濾我在所有國際人權組織貼的如下貼子。
送交者: 老樂譜 2019年01月17日08:19:37 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話
手機版: Facebook Canada 黑客, 過濾我在所有國際人權組織貼的如下貼子。 Recently, Canada's Foreign Affairs Minister, Chrystia Freeland stated: " We believe it is inhumane and inappropriate and wherever the death penalty is considered." What about attempted murder?  What about them? Please forward this to them. Thanks.UN UN Human Rights UN Human Rights Council International Bar Association Human Rights Watch Amnesty International Amnesty International Canada International Criminal Court Canadian Government This is from UN Human Rights Office. https://storage.ning.com/topology/rest/1.0/file/get/778285853?profile=original UN, International Human Rights Community, International Criminal Court, they all "can not" stop their ongoing torture, harassment, threats, administering poison, terror, attempted murder comitted by Toronto Police, The Scarborough Hospital, Canadian torturers backed by Ontario Government....who are living as my neighbors and gathering around and in my workplace. What happened and what are happening? UN Human Rights and International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims have everything I provided. What happened and what are happening? UN twice advised me to file complaints against them. " can not " means that they are madly hacking UN, International Human Rights Community, International Criminal Court and everything I am using and everything you can imagine. If they don't commit any alleged crimes, why are they doing this regardless of international law and order ? Recently, Canada's Foreign Affairs Minister, Chrystia Freeland stated: " We believe it is inhumane and inappropriate and wherever the death penalty is considered." What about attempted murder? What about them? Fight for my life and fight against torture, I am not alone and I need your help. Robin YanCanadian victim of torture 16/01/2019
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