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送交者: 忘形交 2015年07月26日15:06:35 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话

附在本文后面的这篇CNN英文报道是说,美国得克萨斯州有一个农场,5岁小女孩去喂鸡,被歹徒性虐待((sexually abusing)。小女孩26岁的父亲听到女儿的叫喊声,一个健步冲上前去,制止了歹徒,并且徒手打死了46岁的强奸犯。之后,小女孩的父亲打了911向警察报警,告诉警察他可能打死了强奸犯,强奸犯正在死去。



但是,在中国的温州,这位26岁的父亲的正常反应一定会法官和律师被描写为:“极为残忍”,是“防卫过度”;小女孩的父亲和奶奶的描述会被认为是没有DNA,是“证据不足”,因此,这位26岁的父亲会被“防卫过度”被判处无期徒刑!并且还要向强奸犯家属做民事赔偿以赔偿强奸犯的死带来的经济损失。--- 荒谬绝伦!骇人听闻!但这不是无端猜测。温州法院就是在前不久,对类似的一案做出了这样的判决。请参见:

《男子目睹妻子遭人强暴 拿菜刀砍死施暴者被判无期》






美国德克萨斯州的法律明文规定,为制止性侵,允许使用致命暴力打死性侵者。英文理解原文是:Under Texas state law, deadly force is authorized and indeed, justified in order to stop an aggravated sexual assault。 




Grand jury: No indictment against father who killed daughter's alleged abuser

By the CNN Wire Staff

A Lavaca County, Texas, grand jury did not return an indictment against a father who killed a man he found allegedly sexually abusing his daughter, officials said Tuesday at a press conference in Hallettsville, Texas.

"The substantial amount of evidence showed that the witness statements and the father's statement and what the father had observed was in fact what had happened that day," Lavaca County District Attorney Heather McMinn told reporters.

The father, who will not be charged, is not being named by CNN to protect the identity of his daughter.

The father called 911, and he and his family tried to "save the life" of alleged attacker Jesus Mora Flores "despite what they had just witnessed," McMinn added.

McMinn told CNN that Flores, 47, was not an acquaintance of the family.

According to the Lavaca County Sheriff's Office, the father and his family had gathered for a horse shoeing last Saturday at their ranch where they keep horses and chickens.

There were seven people in attendance in total, including four members of the family, two acquaintances and a stranger to the family, who was the alleged molester. According to McMinn, the alleged abuser was a legal worker from Mexico.

His 5-year-old daughter had gone off toward the barn, to feed the chickens, the child's grandfather told CNN affiliates KSAT and KPRC.

Then her father heard screaming and ran. He found a man sexually abusing his daughter, according to Sheriff Micah Harmon.

The father stopped the alleged abuser, and then pounded him repeatedly in the head, killing him, authorities said.

On the recorded 911 call, the father can be heard crying, and telling the operator, "I need an ambulance. This guy was raping my daughter and I beat him up. And I don't know ... I don't know what to do."

Later in the call, when the operator tells the caller, "I'm working on it if you can hold on," the emotional father says, "The guy's dying on me!"

McMinn also told CNN the child's grandfather and aunt both administered cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

Neither officials nor the family's attorney, V'Anne Huser, took questions from reporters Tuesday but Huser said in light of the grand jury's decision, "in our opinion, today, the story is over."

McMinn told CNN she had "never seen a case this clear" in her career.

The incident occurred outside the town of Shiner, a community between Houston and San Antonio that has about 2,000 people within its city limits and another 1,500 or so on its outskirts, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.


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