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送交者: 酷19 2017年03月19日15:50:33 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话



他那里面说的网页我去了。https://www.microsoft.com/products/games/fsinsider/developers/pages/globalterrain.aspx 也就是说这个游戏必须要用地球是平的来做模拟。不然不work。稍微有点思考能力的人都会非常认真的思考着究竟意味什么。

Figure 5: Section of terrain mesh triangulated with the RQT algorithm The RQT algorithm, as published, is really intended for "flat" Earth terrain where the sea level elevation reference is assumed to be an infinite plane.  Since Flight Simulator models the Earth's curvature, we had to modify the algorithm a bit.  The main problem is that the unmodified RQT tends to eliminate nearly all the mesh vertices over large open expanses of ocean which it interprets as being completely flat.  The solution is to increase the error metric for each point in the mesh by the height of the Earth's curvature above the line connecting the point's opposite neighbors.  The result is an increase in the error metric roughly proportional to the distance to its neighbors.  The larger the error metric, the less likely a point will be eliminated from the triangulation.  This helps preserve the Earth's curvature in large areas with the same elevation.

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