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About The Case of yuhuan
送交者: 匆匆那年 2017年03月30日04:44:02 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话

Some Thoughts About The Case of Mother-Insulting

Recently, a case called “Mother-Insulting” caused by usury dispute has aroused the public attention. Beyond the controversy between sentiment and law, it reflects the difficulty of financing for some small and medium enterprises.

During the past 30 years, the Chinese government has made great efforts to deal with the problem of the difficulty and high-cost of financing for some small and medium enterprises. To overcome the difficulty, not only should the government optimize the allocation of financial resources, but the enterprises and the financial institutions have to promote the reform of supply structure.

Those enterprises are helpless while the banks are in a dilemma. Faced with the pressure caused by the real economy transition, thus resulting in the increasing loan defaults, domestic commercial banks have made strictor assessment criteria for non-performing loans. The bank staff are forced to promote the lending criteria, which is a relatively safer way to ensure the financial security.

How the enterprises tide over the most difficult phase will hinge in improving the profitability under the current circumstances. Development is the absolute principle. The key to the solution of all China's problems lies in our own development. The difficulty of financing for some small and medium enterprises is no exception.

So stop speaking and acting impetuously on the case of “Mother-Insulting” since there is no place for sentiment in law. It is no use to the advancement of the legal system and it does no good to the solution of the issue. What is gone is gone. Let's keep the dignity of the legality.

The world is unpeaceful and China is now in a tight corner. Every citizen should distinguish between right and wrong, and we are confident that under the leadership of Xi Jinping, the CCP is determined to fight against corruption, which has been in great progress now. We should have confidence in our motherland and try our best to make it stronger and more flourishing.




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