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送交者: 老乐谱 2019年06月19日06:33:31 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话
UN UN Human Rights UN Human Rights Council International Bar Association International Criminal Court Canadian Government Facebook Canada keeps hacking my posts on International Human Rights Community although Canadian government is investigating what it is doing. Please see this photo below: Fight for my life and fight against torture, I am not alone and I need your help. Robin Yan Canadian victim of torture 19/06/2019 They are hacking this post. Facebook, they are stopping me from sending this below to Canadian government and Prime Minister. I don't know why. Thank you , Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Canadian Government . Prime Minister Justin Trudeau , on behalf of Canadian Government, has real concerns about China’s human rights record. "We continue to call on China to respect human rights, to respect the right to protest, to respect freedom of expression, to cease its actions against minorities like the Uighurs in western China." https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/low-profile-for-canada-on-tiananmen-anniversary-amid-kovrig-spavor-jailings Here is my post being hacked and my case. Please ask The Scarborough Hospital , public hospital of Ontario Government to disclose my entire medical records to us. UN UN Human Rights UN Human Rights Council International Bar Association International Criminal Court Canadian Government The Scarborough Hospital , public hospital of Ontario Government has committed "Systematic  Torture", " Medical Torture " , conspiring with Toronto Police, Canadian torturers... 15 years ago, I asked The Scarborough Hospital to disclose my entire medical records, including hand written notes and 2 pieces of voice recordings of mental status exams conducted by The Scarborough Hospital wihout my "informed consent " (That is law ) . They denied my request . Some International Human Rights organizations asked them to disclose them. They refused them. From this audio below from The Scarborough Hospital, we know they did not state who asked them to visit my home; they did not mention 2 pieces of voice recordings of mental status exams; they did not mention they fabricated my medical records;... https://picosong.com/wht3i Systematic Torture? From reliable sources, I was astonished by the reason why they are systematically torturing and murdering me . I asked Canadian government to investigate the disinformation, out of thin air, which they are sharing. No response, but mad reprisals. How? And what are happening? UN Human Rights and International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims have everything I provided. International Criminal Court is more directly standing up for me. In addition, they are hacking everything I am using. UN will not tolerate double standards and double -track system when tackling human rights issues. Fight for my life and fight against torture, I am not alone and I need your help. English is my second language. IF any questions, please contact me by being hacked emails as follows: yzlrobin@hotmail.com speakoutandrr@hotmail.com Robin Yan ( Yan, Ziliang) Canadian victim of torture 04/06/2019 Contacts: The Scarborough Hospital 3050 Lawrence Ave. E. Scarborough, Ontario M1P 2V5 416-438-2911 The Scarborough Hospital uses several social media sites to interact, engage and build relationships with its online community. We encourage you to follow us on Twitter, like us on Facebook, connect with us on LinkedIn and check us out on YouTube.
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