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手机版: "致残和酷刑是战争罪和反人类罪。" 国际刑事法庭。
送交者: 老乐谱 2019年07月02日05:35:49 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话
International Criminal Court recently stated: " Mutilation and Torture are war crimes and crimes against humanity." You forward it by faxing them ? Not only for me. UNUN Human Rights UN Human Rights CouncilInternational Bar Association International Criminal Court Canadian Government Yesterday, one professor of University of California, San Diego stated: If you are secretly forced to take one medicine called " sensitizer ", they can start their torture, terror and murder by Microwave, Radio Frequency... Please see this video " Bioeffects of Non-Lethal Weapons". They are hacking and hacking this from " the Department of the Army." Watch "Bioeffects Of Non-Lethal Weapons" on YouTube https://youtu.be/B8QVdMx3u4g With them, Toronto Police, The Scarborough Hospital, Canadian torturers backed by Ontario Government...who are living with me as my neighbors; gathering around/in my workplace , are torturing, harassing, threatening, poisoning, terrorizing and murdering me by every possible means and with all possible Non-Lethal Weapons, which are viewed by Canadian Security Intelligence Service and UN as Weapons of Mass Destruction; which are defined by UN as weapons of incapacitating targets. They are madly attacking my head, my heart and my hearing. So, I can't sleep and work normally every day. Meanwhile, they are hacking UN, International Human Rights Community, International Criminal Court and everything I am using. International Criminal Court recently stated: " Mutilation and Torture are war crimes and crimes against humanity." Fight for my life and fight against torture, I am not alone and I need your help. . Robin Yan Canadian victim of torture 01/07/2019
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