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Peace River Valley
送交者: sonota_hash 2019年08月25日07:51:53 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话
The Peace River Valley is of one Canada's richest agricultural areas, the most common of which are cereal crops and hay. Other agriculture here includes beef and bison production, poultry, and pork, and apiculture (honey).This area has been settled for many years by the local native bands, mostly Cree and Dene people. It has been settled by westerners much more recently, and has been explored and lived in by many important figures in Canada's history such as Henry Fuller "Twelve-Foot" Davis, Sir Alexander Mackenzie, David Thompson, and Peter Fidler.Most of the people who live in this area reside in small towns and are conservative in nature. This is not to say, though, that this is exclusively the case across the board. There is vast culture and art in the area, and locals are often very hospitable and friendly.The ethnicity of most of the western settlers here derive from England, the Ukraine, France, and Germany. There are still many communities of primarily (even exclusively) French or German speaking people.Most Peace Country communities have sprung up in response to the creation of the railroad, and most communities still exist along railway supply lines.This area can be extremely remote, and huge tracts of land remain untouched and unexplored, even today.
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