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手机版: "他们" 阻止我给联合国和酷刑委员会发传真。
送交者: 老乐谱 2019年09月01日13:27:13 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话
Firstly, please see what International Criminal Court and I were chatting about . http://netlog.yooco.org/gallery/yzlrobin/international_criminal_court_and_me_regarding_what_happened_and_what_are_happening/181628/ Then, please see " After UN contacted me..." https://youtu.be/O3QpbrnCiAQ UN UN Human Rights UN Human Rights Council International Bar Association International Criminal Court Canadian Government All I allege against Toronto Police, The Scarborough Hospital, Canadian torturers, Ontario Government...who are living with me as my neighbors , gathering around and in my workplace , who are committing torture, harassment, threats, poisoning, terror, attempted murder, are indisputable facts. As long as any of them, UN, International Human Rights Community, International Criminal Court, former Mr Attorney General of Canada, and Ontario Ombudsman, expresses their voice or stands up for me, they must hack, block, filter them all no matter who they are, including everything I am using, all social medias, all VPNs...and my cellphone. Please see 2 photos below you can understand what happened and what are happening to me.1. Voice from  International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims https://st1.ning.com/topology/rest/1.0/file/get/1270585685?profile=original 2. Hack UN Human Rights http://netlog.yooco.org/gallery/yzlrobin/hacking_un_human_rights/181574/ ( Why do I use netlog? ) https://st1.ning.com/topology/rest/1.0/file/get/1761478108?profile=original And, UN Human Rights and International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims have everything I provided. 14 years ago, Canadian lawyer said to me: " You have nowhere to go if want to file complaints against Canadian police and doctors." UN advised me to file complaints against them twice, including International Criminal Court. International Criminal Court and me regarding what happened and what are happening. http://netlog.yooco.org/gallery/yzlrobin/international_criminal_court_and_me_regarding_what_happened_and_what_are_happening/181628/ Fight for my life being threatened and fight against on-going torture, I am not alone and I need your help. Robin Yan Canadian victim of torture 27/08/2019 Please forward this by fax, not only for myself, thanks. These 5 links below for your reference: 1. In 2009, UN Connnittee Against Torture stated as follows regarding the use of Non-Lethal Weapons http://netlog.yooco.org/gallery/yzlrobin/in_2009_un_connnittee_against_torture_stated_as_follows_/181616/ 2. The purpose of Non-Lethal Weapons by Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate http://netlog.yooco.org/gallery/yzlrobin/the_purpose_of_non_lethal_weapons_by_joint_non_lethal_weapons_directorate_/181613/ 3. International Trade and Show for Non-Lethal Weapons http://netlog.yooco.org/gallery/yzlrobin/international_trade_and_show_for_non_lethal_weapons_/181619/ 4. After UN contacted me... Watch this being hacked video "After UN contacted me..." https://youtu.be/bxEgdK0HbHs Listen to this being hacked audio https://audioboom.com/posts/2162508-noise-from-neighbor 5. Regarding " Inhumane Weapons" , "Non-Lethal Weapons " viewed by UN and Canadian Security Intelligence Service; and related Information and literature from World Health Organization and the Department of The Army ( You must have them. ) , please see this video below: https://youtu.be/O3QpbrnCiAQ https://youtu.be/O3QpbrnCiAQ
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