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Fauci to Warn Senate of ‘Needl
送交者: feiqilailala 2020年05月12日20:47:53 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话


The risks of reopening the country too soon will be a focus of government hearings on Tuesday. The White House’s new mask requirement won’t apply to President Trump.
Fauci will issue a stark warning on the risks of reopening too soon.

[size=1.25]Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease expert and a central figure in the government’s response to the coronavirus, intends to warn the Senate on Tuesday that Americans would experience “needless suffering and death” if the country opens up too quickly.

[size=1.25]Dr. Fauci, who has emerged as perhaps the nation’s most respected voice during the coronavirus crisis, is one of four top government doctors scheduled to testify remotely at a high-profile hearing on Tuesday before the Senate Health Education, Labor and Pensions Committee.

[size=1.25]It will be his first appearance before Congress since President Trump declared a national emergency in March, and a chance for him to address lawmakers and the public without President Trump by his side. He has been largely out of public view since last week, when Mr. Trump abandoned his daily briefings with his coronavirus task force.

[size=1.25]in an emeil to the New York Times reporter Sheryl Gay Stolberg late Monday night, Dr. Fauci laid out what he intended to tell senators.
[size=1.25]Dr. Fauci was referring to a three-phase White House plan, opening up america again that lays out guidelines for state officials considering reopening their economies. Among its recommendations: States should have a “downward trajectory of positive tests” or a “downward trajectory of documented cases” of coronavirus over two weeks, while conducting robust contact tracing and “sentinel surveillance” testing of asymptomatic people in vulnerable populations, such as nursing homes.

[size=1.25]But many states are reopening without meeting those guidelines, seeking to ease the economic pain as millions of working people and small-business owners are facing ruin while sheltering at home.
[size=1.25]“We’re not reopening based on science,” said Dr. Thomas R. Frieden, a former director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “We’re reopening based on politics, ideology and public pressure. And I think it’s going to end badly.”

[size=1.25]The much-feared second wave of infection may not wait until fall, many scientists say. Instead, it may become a series of wavelets occurring unpredictabil across the country.

[size=1.25]Dr. Fauci himself is now in “modified quarantine,” he has said, after what he described as a “low risk” exposure to someone infected with the virus.
The White House plans to ask officials — but not Trump — to wear face masks.

New guidance released to Trump administration employees will require them to wear maska when inside the West Wing, according to an internal memo released on Monday and obtained by The New York Times.
[size=1.25]“As an additional layer of protection, we are requiring everyone who enters the West Wing to wear a mask or face covering,” read the memo, which was distributed to staff members through the White House management office.

[size=1.25]The new guidance is an abrupt establishment of a policy after two aides working near the president — a military valet and Katie Miller, the vice president’s spokeswoman — tested positive for the coronavirus last week.

[size=1.25]The new rules are not expected to apply to President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence, who for weeks have downplayed the need to wear masks, an attitude that had trickled down to staff members. The policy was first reported by the washington.

[size=1.25]But hours after the White House instituted the new rule, Mr. Trump denied that any system designed to keep aides safe had broken down. He said he had required that everyone wear masks, insisting that the disease was “very well-contained” at the White House.

[size=1.25]“It can happen,” Mr. Trump said. “It’s the hidden enemy. Remember that.”
[size=1.25]The White House also made some smaller changes on Monday, including displaying signage encouraging social distancing at entryways and asking aides if they were displaying symptoms during routine temperature checks, according to officials.

[size=1.25]The spread of the virus into the White House comes amid a potential collision between Washington residents and the area’s largest employer, the federal government. The region is not yet open for business, and cases of the virus are climbing in Washington, Maryland and Virginia.
[size=1.25]Dr. Anand Parekh, the chief medical adviser for the Bipartisan Policy Center, said the several hundred thousand federal employees in the region should not return to work until several criteria have been met, including the presence of personal protective equipment.

[size=1.25]“Their gradual return,” he said, “should be predicated upon the region having adequate testing capacity, a decline in confirmed cases for two to three weeks, a health care system that is under capacity with adequate P.P.E. and critical medical material, and a public health infrastructure that has enough contract tracers.”

[size=1.25]In Washington, where few of those benchmarks have been met, the percentage of positive tests is roughly double the upper limit that experts consider sufficient to consider reopening, with confirmed cases still on the upswing. As of Monday morning, there have been 6,389 total cases in the District of Columbia and 328 deaths, a higher rate of death than in most states. The city reported 19 deaths on Friday, the most in Washington in a single day.
[size=1.25]When the city reopens, it will beckon thousands of staff members serving senior officials and flocks of lobbyists, service personnel and tourists. City officials have limited autonomy to challenge any federal decisions, given the government’s control over a large percentage of the work force and vast swaths of buildings and land.

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