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送交者: 王利民 2021年04月27日19:56:57 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话
{Note: The following email was sent to PressOffice@labor.ny.gov. I wish the governments and mainstream media would hunt hard (not hardly) down the systematic fraudsters while delivering hard the Economic Impact Payments to the families. Where have been the whole set of EIP-2 and the majority of EIP-3 for my family's no-application-needed share? Why the Workers' Compensation System is run like a systematicly fraudulent, corrupt, and murderous system in New York?}


Limin Wang
136-09 59th Ave, Ground Floor
Flushing, NY 11355
April 27, 2021




***Please forward the report to the right offices, since this is the only easily spotted email address on the NYS DOL website.***


NYS Department of Labor,


Since around April 10th, 2021, the following residence address MY FAMILY has been renting and living at for consecutive multiple years has received multiple days of postal letters seeming from New York State Department of Labor by one of the following two Sender Info:


Department of Labor
PO Box 15130
Albany NY 12212-5130




NYS Department of Labor
Keybank Card OPS
PO Box 6419
Cleveland, OH 44101-1419


TO this physical address:
13609 59th Ave Apt 1
Flushing NY 11355-0000




Gregory Robinson;  
Rose Suarez;  
Donald Reksc;  
John Albert;  
Dana Augi; 
Kristin Albers;
Andrew Carubia


Occasionally, some of these mails arrived WITHOUT ITS FLAP SEALED AT ALL, and for one time curiosity, I had a glimpse at the UNSEALED letter, and catched the phrases of "unemployment benefits" or "pandemic benefits" or its like.


THIS RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS and MY FAMILY both have met A LOT OF ADVERSITIES, to mention ONLY a few here for the sake of your time, I being a VICTIM OF ATTEMPTED-MURDERS at the formal workplace and then at the Workers' Compensation Board authorized medical clinics and then being tortured BY THE SYSTEM, my family facing current EVICTION threat from the landlord again, and mail-reception problems. 


The Chinese-looking young male mailman has been notified by my written note on some envelopes about the questionable mails and some of them found stolen or missing from this building's mailboxes, and the mailman has taken back some of such mails. But, in the late afternoon, around 6:15 pm, of April 27, 2021, Tuesday, a young man, Hispano-like, medium build, late 20's or early 30's like, without a mask, facial mustache shaved, heavy and curly headtop hair, in white shorts, green T-shirt-like with printed big letters in front, and a long, black, unbottoned sweater over it. He came over to the building's front with a small box, put down the box on the ground as if delivering something, checked about the questionable mails briefly, left the building for a short moment, and came back again to check all the questionable mails and all the mailboxes, and even looked inside into the hallway. If the second floor had left the gate UNLOCKED OR UNCLOSED again, such a dude might have come inside for something or somebody! This SUSPECT MAN then took away the three mails (from NYS DOL to Rose Suarez, Dana Augi, John Albert, respectively) stuck on the gate, and of course, away together with his TOOL (a small box).


NONE of my family has ever applied for the unemployment or pandemic benefits, and this physical address absolutely has NO such persons named above living here. I sincerely hope 1) THE SYSTEM is NOT the one in the back doing such things against me or my family; and then 2) Such questionable mails are stopped by NYS DOL; and 3) The fraudsters such as the man seen taking away these three questionable mails on April 27, 2021, afternoon are contacted by THE SYSTEM. The police should have their resources and capability, so they do not need to contact me about this. I have been asking the LEGAL SYSTEM for several other things, but I have not got what they are supposed to function on.


Very truly yours,


Limin Wang

fraud mails sent to my rent address.jpg

Addendum: The PressOffice of NYS DOL gave me such a reply by telling me that they would not even forward my email within their same department of labor, and I then answered it by pointing out the oddness. See the screenshot.

PressOffice at NYS DOL replies and I answer Apr 28 2021.jpg

Readers can sense why I suspect the government system itself is the fraud system. NYS DOL requires so much personal information, including the Social Security Number, to file a report of found fraud to DOL, while it claims its Unemployment Insurance and Pandemic Unemployment Assistance system is secure. There is no other email address to contact NYS DOL, and its PressOffice claims in its reply that it can not help on this. Then, I will treat such mails to this address as JUNK MAILS. I know THE SYSTEM is thinking it is so powerful that it can wantonly throw anything to frame and blame and crime powerless people like me. People around the world should know what kind of GOVERNMENT it actually stands for. It is so beaurocratic, irresponsible, corrupt, and often brutal or even murderous.

Form of Fraud_webapps.labor.ny.gov.jpeg

  The post has been updated.  /无内容 - 王利民 04/29/21 (122)
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