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What is Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
送交者: jingchen 2022年11月20日05:38:10 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話

What is Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

The ruling class in a society generally adopts the policy of “divide and rule”. The ruling class usually divides the people by ethnicity, religion, culture, sexual orientation and other criteria. This division will lower the value and power of people to make them easy to rule.

In a biography of Churchill, it was stated that Churchill "naturally had a lively sympathy for the underdog, particularly against the middle-dog, provided, and it was quite a big proviso, that his own position as a top-dog was unchallenged." (Jenkins, p. 180).

This type of Churchillian practice is quite standard in politics and economics. But there is little academic research about such practices. Churchill has become such an icon for the top dogs that "researching less popular episodes in Churchill's life[…] would either finish their careers, preclude them from promotion, or make them outcasts in academia." (Hirsch, 2018)

Churchill’s method is the standard practice of the powerful upper class. Top dogs, with low capital gain taxes and many “loopholes,” enjoy tax havens. Warren Buffett once confessed, or bragged, that his tax rate is much lower than that of his secretary. The incomes of middle dogs are taxed heavily to subsidize the welfare of under dogs. With the help of progressive policies and preferences supported by top dogs, underdogs maul viciously against middle dogs, while top dogs enjoy their exclusive privileges. In the last half century, the wealth of the upper class has skyrocketed; the living standards of the lower classes have improved; but the living standard of the middle class has mostly stagnated.

Many phenomena in the society can be understood as examples of such practices. Looting-for instance by bankers- has been increasingly decriminalized while self defence has been increasingly criminalized. This is to empower robbers and to enfeeble working people.

We can apply value theory to offer a political analysis. Suppose 10% of the population are upper class, 30% of the population are middle class, 60% of the population are lower class. Suppose there are two choices in selecting a ruler. For example, when we vote for a position, there are two candidates. Then the value, of a member of the upper class is - log20.1 = 3.32, the value or political weight of a member of the middle class is – log20.3 = 1.74, the value of a member of the lower class is - log20.6 = 0.74.

Now the upper class attempts to increase its distance from the middle class. With political power, it taxes the middle class heavily and raises the welfare benefit for the lower class. Together, the new middle and lower class represent 90% of the total population. The value of any one member of the new equalized middle and lower class is now – log20.9 = 0.15. In this way, the wealth and power of the upper class becomes much greater than the rest of the society.

However, the upper class would not stop here. It further promotes identity politics among the middle and lower classes. People are separated by their race, sexual orientation, religion and many other factors. In this way, the population is split into many rival groups hostile to each other. There are now many candidates for office, and the base of the logarithm function, instead of the original 2, becomes a much larger number. Suppose the new number is 10. The value or power of a member if the new equalized middle and lower class is now – log100.9 = 0.05. This is a further reduction from the already diminished value after implementing the “equalizing” policy, since each person is now a member of one of many small groups. Divide and rule is effective; fractious behavior is endemic to opposed elements within the population and (notoriously) left wing politics. The policy of fostering sectarian and identitarian politics among the lower classes greatly reduces the political power and financial wealth of the majority. Meanwhile, power and wealth in society is firmly consolidated into the hands of a small group of elites. This is how oligarchs rule.

The ruling elites may further increase the power and wealth by including more population into the society. Suppose the population size doubled. The newly increased population all belongs to the low class. This can be achieved by many methods, such as open border. Newcomers are illegal immigrants and hence belong to the low class. Population doubles. The number of the upper class remains the same. Its percentage declines from 10% to 5%. In the meantime, the percentage of the lower class increases from 90% to 95%. The values of the upper class and the lower class change from - log20.1 = 3.32 and – log100.9 = 0.05 to - log20.05 = 4.32 and – log100.95 = 0.02 respectively. This is how inclusion changes the wealth of different groups of people.

Equity turns middle class in the lower class. Diversity divides the lower class into many sectors so the elites can divide and rule. Inclusion further enlarges the size of the lower class and reduces the value of the lower class. This is how Equity, Diversity and Inclusion works.


Chen, J.  An Entropy Theory of Value, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, (2018), December, Vol 47, 73-81.

Hirsch, Afua (21 March 2018). "If you talk about Russian propaganda, remember: Britain has myths too". The Guardian. London

Jenkins, Roy (2001). Churchill. London: Macmillan

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