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Investing in America
送交者: renqiulan 2024年02月03日16:09:14 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话

We Americans are investors by necessity if not by nature. Investment counts because money counts. Successful and unsuccessful investors count because their experiences count.

As a matter of fact, the market is a laboratory for testing ideas. Good ideas are never emotion-based. They are always wisdom-friendly. Emotion is a hare. Wisdom is a tortoise. A hare loses to a tortoise in the long run. Long-term investment beats short-term speculation in the land of the free, under the rule of law. No freedom, no market economy. No rule of the law, no rule of the game.

Today's Wall Street Journal reports that the Magnificent Seven on the American market are "collectively worth more than all western European listed stocks together." No wonder Europeans are huge fans of American stocks.

That said, I'll be closely watching the private job numbers, knowing that bloating government bureaucracies won't be a blessing to our economy.

Author: renqiulan


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