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The State of the Union 2024
送交者: renqiulan 2024年03月08日16:44:34 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话

In America, the bigger the political showdown, the more it is akin to a show. On the stage, rival power players can't wait to impress the voting public. No wonder the media plays up the State of the Union address as the talk of the town. Okay, everyone is talking the talk. Who's walking the walk?

Last night, President Biden delivered a speech, and not much more. Nevertheless, he garnered standing ovations from half of his Congressional audience, courtesy of Democratic partisans who behaved as expected.

Outshining Biden was photogenic U.S. Senator Katie Britt from Alabama, who delivered the GOP rebuttal.

Turning on the Southern charm for everyday Americans, Britt wasted no time in deconstructing President Biden from her kitchen table. Her performance would be flawless if it weren't for being over-coached.

Conspicuously absent in Britt's rebuttal was the name of the presumptive GOP presidential nominee. It's clear that she aligns with Trump, hence her decision not to mention him explicitly. Her subtlety was telling.

Biden's best hope is that a narrow majority of Americans will hold their noses and cast their votes for him if the jobless rates remain low.

Author: renqiulan


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