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Is America The Real Deal?
送交者: renqiulan 2024年03月10日17:12:24 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话

A Sunday Book Club Post


The following is my input:

In the classic Western movie "High Noon," a lone lawman confronts four bloodthirsty outlaws, finding himself deserted by his townspeople who have scattered to their homes. His new bride urges him to leave for a better place with her. Yet he remains steadfast, choosing to face death over cowardice. Honor compels him to square up to the gang on his home turf, while love leads his woman to rescue him in a most unladylike manner. When the gun smoke clears, love prevails.

The story's message is clear: we must stand our ground and fight strategically to confront evil head-on. This moment of reckoning mirrors a potential scenario where America, as the world's sole superpower, is forced to defend its national honor and maintain global order alone, defining the ultimate measure of American character.

While a High Noon moment may never transpire, we should always be prepared to stand alone and steadfast.

Author: renqiulan 

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