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The Taming of Trump
送交者: renqiulan 2024年03月15日16:46:31 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话

"The Taming of Trump" proves more challenging than "The Taming of The Shrew" in the Shakespearean sense.

Despite her unladylike demeanor, Katherine the Shrew remains inherently feminine, leaving room for a gentleman of wit to win her favor, thereby leading to a happy ending.

As for Trump, he epitomizes a "macho" politician, unable to quench his thirst for power unless he's calling all the shots all the time. Conceivably, he poses a formidable obstacle in a checks-and-balances democracy like the United States.

Consider a scenario where Trump wins the presidency but his party loses one or both chambers of Congress. His ability to enact policies would be severely limited, as Congress wields the power of the purse.
In such circumstances, he would need to emulate Ronald Reagan, who garnered bipartisan support to govern effectively.

Yet, being true to his nature, Trump only knows how to "imitate the action of the tiger," as Shakespeare's King Henry V would say. That's not how a Reaganite unifier would behave.

And Biden? Boredom is his middle name.

Author: renqiulan


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