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A People's Commune That Failed In America
送交者: renqiulan 2024年03月17日16:10:12 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话

(A Sunday Book Club Post)


My Thoughts:

From the shores of "Old England," the Pilgrims embarked on a perilous journey across treacherous waters to reach America, where they established the Plymouth Colony in what is now New England in 1620.

Upon arrival, the surviving Pilgrims, as evidenced by their Mayflower Compact, prioritized collective survival. The principle of solidarity— "all for one and one for all"—became their guiding ethos, promising a community founded on sharing and caring.

In short order, the Colony evolved into a collective farm, with a central authority emerging to plan and regulate affairs in the name of communal welfare. Thus, a proto-commune came into being under the banner of divine providence.

However, the imposition of centralized authority clashed with the inherent inclinations of human nature.

Discontent simmered as individuals resisted top-down control, advocating their right to retain the fruits of their labor, albeit after taxation.

Self-motivation and initiative gave rise to the notion of limited government and the promotion of personal liberty. That was the way forward.

In retrospect, the failure of the "Plymouth Commune" served as a historical lesson well absorbed by the framers of the United States Constitution.

Author: renqiulan


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