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Rewriting History: PRC & USA
送交者: renqiulan 2024年03月26日16:13:52 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话

Under Xi Jinping's dictatorship, the reinterpretation of Qing history presents the Manchu rulers not as foreign conquerors, but as integral members of Chinese society who contributed to the nation's development and stability, downplaying historical grievances and ethnic tensions.

By manipulating historical narratives to suit current political agendas, the Chinese Communist Party boss seeks to justify his authority akin to that of a reigning emperor. In a vast country like the People's Republic of China, there's no room for disagreement.

By contrast, here in the United States of America, the space for disagreement spans from coast to coast. The New York Times learned this when its 1619 Project suggested that the American Revolution aimed to expand slavery, conveniently or inconveniently overlooking the contributions of anti-slavery colonies.

Despite attempts to rewrite and revise history, competing narratives persist, thanks to freedom of speech. This fundamental right underscores why the USA remains distinct from the PRC.

Author: renqiulan


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