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My New York (4) ER
送交者: renqiulan 2024年04月06日16:14:09 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话

Yesterday's earthquake, though mild, has somehow evoked New Yorkers' memories of a past city-wide blackout, prompting my reflection on emergency medicine. Speaking of which, imagination is crucial for breaking new ground in medicine; without it, medical practice will lose its edge. It's high time to prepare our medical students to expect the unexpected.

Digital simulation is gaining popularity; so let's leverage it. We might want to design scenarios that challenge our students to step out of their comfort zones. For instance, during a persistent blackout, with backup power dwindling, only flashlights and candles illuminate the long night. How can we adapt to tools that require no electricity? How do we conduct triage in an overwhelmed emergency room amidst mass hysteria? We must not take anything for granted while remaining open to unconventional life-saving solutions.

I would recommend summer classes for our medical students to undergo training alongside U.S. Navy corpsmen in various demanding situations, where power supplies are minimal.

In the battle for life, every bright idea counts when fighting against darkness.

Author: renqiulan


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