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President Biden Is Saving Hamas
送交者: renqiulan 2024年04月09日16:12:41 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话

Dear Mr. President,

You have already saved the Taliban, sacrificing the lives of thirteen American soldiers on that fatal day of disorderly withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021.

Now, you are willingly playing into the hands of the radical left who cynically equate the survival of Hamas with the rightful existence of the Palestinian people.

I understand that you desperately need the leftists' votes in a tight election, especially when the recent Democratic primary in Michigan showed that you're losing the support of Arab-Americans. Worse still, Michigan is a purple state that could swing to former President Trump this November.

Going with the leftward flow, you turn away from Israel, conveniently echoing the outcry over the fatally misguided Israeli attack on a World Central Kitchen convoy. This is a politically calculated move on your part, knowing that most Jewish Americans live in states which will stay blue no matter what.

However, no one should forget that Hamas uses Palestinians young and old as human shields amidst Israel's counter-offensive, having resulted in heavy civilian casualties.

You must know that Hamas is not genuinely interested in peace talks. Anyway, the last time I checked, it was America's time-honored policy not to negotiate with terrorists, let alone give them leeway to keep their heinous business going.

War is war. Standing in Israel's way will only save Hamas and embolden its Iranian master whose ultimate target is the United States.

Sincerely yours,



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