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My New York (5) Golden Arches
送交者: renqiulan 2024年04月13日16:11:08 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话

The McDonald's touch screen took his order just fine, but it failed to print out a receipt.

"I...touch screen...no receipt...a receipt please..."

An elderly man of Asian descent struggled to communicate, only to be dismissed by the lady manager.

"Sir, you only receive a receipt when you pay at the cashier counter."

The lady manager's claim was untrue, prompting my "intervention." Gently but firmly, I reminded her that McDonald's customers were entitled to their sales receipts. Stone-faced, she came up with the requested receipt in a matter of seconds.

Out of curiosity, I asked the senior citizen if he came from the Chinese-speaking world, as suggested by his accent. Before we knew it, we had already started a conversation in Mandarin. I wondered if he wanted to file a complaint. He nodded. I then walked him through the process on the McDonald's app and translated his complaint into English. I liked the complainant's fact-based statement.

Weeks later, we crossed paths again at a different McDonald's. He proudly showed me a Golden Arches stored-value card, accompanied by Uncle Ronald's apology letter, which he seemed to be carrying with him wherever he went.

Author: renqiulan


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