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The Universal Truth of Light
送交者: renqiulan 2024年05月02日16:44:54 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话


This is my version of "Alice in Wonderland."

Instead of tumbling down the rabbit hole, Alice gazed upward at the star-studded canopy, a vast expanse of velvet adorned with countless twinkling pinpricks. Just then, Renaissance polymath Galileo appeared, offering the bright-eyed girl his telescope, which revealed the moons of Jupiter, instantly shattering her vision of Earth as the universe's focal point. Next came Kepler, inviting her to explore his laws of planetary motion. She felt like walking on cloud nine.

Overwhelmed yet captivated, Alice remained fixated on the heavens until the Age of Enlightenment dawned upon her.

Greeting her were Newton and Descartes, architects of a wonderland of science. Newton's laws of motion and universal gravitation unified celestial and terrestrial dynamics, while Descartes championed reason and skepticism in the pursuit of truth.

Blessed with enlightenment, Alice found herself atop the shoulders of giants, "witnessing" the evolution of technologies from satellites to particle accelerators.

Out of nowhere, Einstein smiled at Alice like the Cheshire cat. He introduced her to his theory of relativity, reshaping her perceptions of space and time. As the finale, quantum mechanics wowed her by plumbing the enigmatic depths of the subatomic.

Somewhere, the poor Red Queen, as if on a treadmill, was still running just to stay in place. But that's another story.

Author: renqiulan


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