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Politics should be like that
送交者: Yuehanmiao 2008月10月03日10:31:52 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回  答: really? another war to destroycandle 于 2008-10-03 09:18:27
Biden or Obama care those with same-sexual orientation more than
Palin or McCain? By all means, NOT! In fact, 98% of people even have no clue
concerning same-sexual orientation.

They are talking about this issue because they care the election,
many folks with same-sexual orientation have strong influence
in media. The only reason that people become a Liberal is
they try to rebel in front of an ABSOLUTE truth. Liberals have to
extra pressure but their own benefits for anything, (同性恋婚姻)
is one of the example, thus, they agree 婚姻 beyond one man and one woman,
Anti-terrorists-war is another example, people were mis-led that
WAR is for OIL and WAR is not beneficial to ordinary people,
human beings made the climate changes, mother can choose baby's
future-die or live...

Those liberals can only win somebody like you who believe 布什
created the wallstreet crisis and if God is not found in this church-He
must be in another one.

You are so lucky to live in this generation, otherwise, you must be selling from one house to another after happily counting money for the previous master.

You are desperately willing to embrace
God's blessings and liberal values,
how smart you are??!!
  and, what you need is not - candle 10/03/08 (250)
  you messed up with the war.you - candle 10/03/08 (181)
  Liberals have NO extra pressur /无内容 - Yuehanmiao 10/03/08 (184)
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