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送交者: mean 2008月10月16日11:52:42 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回  答: naive, I wish the worldYuehanmiao 于 2008-10-16 11:06:59
Yes, your naïveté is amusing indeed. especially for one who thinks the world in terms of black and white and accuses those who allow for a few shades of grey; one who supports the killing of innocent bystanders for their own self-righteous sense of security; one who cheers for robbing from the have-not's to reward the have's, telling them "bless you my brother go with peace"; one who cries hypocritically for the slaughter of babies yet puts gun into dangerous people's hands; one who takes God's gift for granted and do all that's in his power to pollute the hell out of it; one who'd rather force non-Christians to obey Christian laws than doing God's work of preaching them about Jesus; one who consorts with the enemies of God such as the Mormons, the radical Zionists, the Muslims, yet accuses his fellow Christians as being satanic; one who erects political idols and worship every single one of their decisions without question. Sure, I believe your religion is all about God... right... haha. Think again.
  fellow Christians? - Yuehanmiao 10/16/08 (240)
    this conversation - mean 10/16/08 (244)
      On this world, nothing new! - Yuehanmiao 10/16/08 (207)
  interesting - mean 10/16/08 (244)
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