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Gimme a break, hehe, are there
送交者: MDT 2008月12月08日10:42:54 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回  答: If u are interested in learngems 于 2008-12-08 10:33:57
well-known, well-respected, experts and historians in ancient isreal history and mideast
history out there, from whom I can learn?

Your claim that Jesus was against the 'Solomon' temple is theological statement shows
how nonsensic your instinct about history is. A devour narrow-minded catholic and an objective unbiased historian do not go together.

Do not be too arrogant. Even though you may make a living in playing history, you may
be just a lousy one, worse than an amateur like myself.

  If u are serious about history - gems 12/08/08 (270)
    BTW, even Jesus was - MDT 12/08/08 (182)
      ever==never  /无内容 - MDT 12/08/08 (156)
    your logic went astray again. - MDT 12/08/08 (218)
      I give up - gems 12/08/08 (246)
        You often wrote history as - MDT 12/08/08 (217)
          To make it fair, I am not accu - MDT 12/08/08 (241)
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