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if I offended you
送交者: mean 2008月12月09日17:10:44 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
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I apologize. I was merely suggesting that you don't see the gravity of this argument at all. To see my point you have to see what role the triune God has played throughout the Bible. God is referred to in the old testament with fear, Christ is always referred to with reverence.

Throughout the bible we are told again and again to love Him AND to fear Him. Even in Paul's letters, who, out of all the inspired authors, put the most emphasis on love, said "Since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness OUT OF REVERENCE FOR GOD." There are many other passages but this caught my eye yesterday as I was reading the bible. (I also recall here the famous passage that 神是轻慢不得的 in the book of galatians.)

The Book of Revelations refers to Christ as both a "lamb" (because of his sacrificial role) AND a "lion". In chapter 5, John witnessed this praise "Worthy is the Lamb, who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise!" You see here that Christ is not just an older brother, He is a KING deserving of fear and reverence.

In other words, while we should love God as a father, and Christ as an older brother or husband, but we should never lose sight of the fact that God is always God, and we are always human. Knowing the authoritative role father, older brother, and husband had in the period circa Christ, you understand why the bible has NEVER referred to any member of the triune God as younger brother, wife, or children. In fact, the only religion that has ever taught that man can be on equal footing as God is Mormonism.

Now what I have against the notion of God being a "fan", is because the word "fan" carries a certain connotation of inferiority. Please see my reply to kibitzer for that. Now I don't think caleb meant it that way when he said God is a fan of so and so, and I don't think God would hold it against him or anything, but for a Christian to say something like that, is extremely disrespectful of the holiness of God.
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