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who would choose not 下地狱??????
送交者: YeSuShiZhu 2019月10月24日13:22:38 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 招聘: 有下地狱宣传你家*神弃绝不救*福音的吗? 报名!repentant 于 2019-10-24 12:04:16

each and everybody if he/she really know what 地狱 is!

who would choose 下地狱??????

each and everybody would not if he/she really know what 地狱 is!


下地狱 is each and everybody's default destiny!

Because of this FACT, God decided to save a few 

through redemption with His only begotton Son

as His childrin for eternity.

  被劈死的货还来卖,就是找死的阿苗! /无内容 - repentant 10/24/19 (127)
      我可告诉你了,别说你不知道。你不傻就去极乐世界嘛!等什么?!  /无内容 - repentant 10/24/19 (90)
        \"70个处女\" so obviously man made - YeSuShiZhu 10/25/19 (80)
          我可告诉你了,别说你不知道这道理。你不傻就去极乐世界嘛!  /无内容 - repentant 10/25/19 (59)
          知道什么是不信了吗? 阿苗完全不懂什么是不信。认错吧👈  /无内容 - repentant 10/25/19 (73)
            不信 is 不信, why 不信? because - YeSuShiZhu 10/25/19 (103)
              这蠢货+瞎眼! 不是人知道那是天堂地狱,是人知道也不信!☝️  /无内容 - repentant 10/25/19 (59)
              我可告诉你了,别说你不知道这现实。你不傻就去极乐世界嘛!  /无内容 - repentant 10/25/19 (52)
              还蠢! 你来证明70个处女怎么不是现实了? 你为啥不信!  /无内容 - repentant 10/25/19 (51)
          阿苗果然是*白天不知夜的黑*一般的蠢!  /无内容 - repentant 10/25/19 (71)
            You went to BaLiTai for food - YeSuShiZhu 10/25/19 (67)
          哈哈! 为什么你的天堂地狱对非信徒不是lie? 你继续蠢!  /无内容 - repentant 10/25/19 (92)
            this is what I point out to U - YeSuShiZhu 10/25/19 (81)
              不信需要明白你家大道理吗?  /无内容 - repentant 10/25/19 (65)
              你把自己劈死就好! - repentant 10/25/19 (77)
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