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Dear brother, 帖前 第 五 章23
送交者: Yuehanmiao 2009月04月19日16:13:33 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 人是什么?theson 于 2009-04-18 21:22:24
Paul was using some philosophic terms (灵+魂+体) invented by Greeks
to express human being as a whole and inseparatable form , sometime
he also was using other terms(灵魂与身体) for the same purpose,

Brothers Nee & Lee interpreted this in opposite, as such,
brothers and sisters believe 人 有 灵、魂与身体三部分,
furthermore, each 部分 functions for different purpose and
responses salvation respectively, the matter of fact is
human being is always in a whole form and in integrity.

In short,
人= 灵+魂+体 or 灵魂 + 身体
is not accurate.

Likewise, John was using LOGOS in John 1:1,
here LOGOS was invented by Greek too, means
the highest truth(something), John was using the same one
with different meaning, he told everybody
the highest truth is a living GOD, Jesus Christ.
Logos in John 1:1 is not the original meaning when
Greek invented.
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