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Augustine on Deification
送交者: oldfish 2020月12月11日07:20:28 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 你对老奥一窍不通。这不就是神改变了我们的生命嘛,跟你的神化论追求永生 于 2020-12-11 07:11:24


Augustine on Deification

As I have noted before, Augustine remains one of the most controverted figures for some Eastern Orthodox, very often misunderstood and seemingly deliberately so. Next year a new book will further complicate matters for those determined to write Augustine out of the canon of "orthodox" Fathers: David Vincent Meconi, The One Christ: St. Augustine's Theology of Deification (CUA Press, 2013), 296pp.
About this book we are told:

Provocative passages on deification abound in St. Augustine of Hippo. He relies on the term "deification" far more than other Latin fathers do. Even more important, the reality of the deified life runs throughout every major aspect of Augustine's presentation of Christianity.
By tracing how deification and related metaphors appear throughout Augustine's writings, David Vincent Meconi corrects generations of faulty readings on this crucial patristic theme. For Augustine, the Christian life is essentially an incorporation of the elect into the very person of Christ, forming his mystical body inchoately now in via and perfectly in patria. This is the "whole Christ," the totus Christus, where Christ and Christian become one through the charity of the Holy Spirit and the church's sacraments that elevate and enable men and women to participate in God's own life. This work opens by showing how the metaphysics of deification are set in principio, as all creation is an imitation of the Logos. Among all creatures, though, the human person alone bears the imago Dei, and emerges as the one called to appropriate God's life freely. For this purpose, the Son becomes human.
By treating Augustine's passages on deification both chronologically and constructively, Meconi situates Augustine in a long chorus of Christian pastors and theologians who understand the essence of Christianity as the human person's total and transformative union with God.

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