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Great questions!
送交者: Yuehanmiao 2008月07月24日12:13:34 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 老苗,不要以为你爱主你的话就是不容置疑的。soccerfun 于 2008-07-24 11:40:47
你忍耐到底了吗? no, not yet,

那你必然得救吗? yes, 100% sure!
why? because my 信而受洗 and His promise!

Next question: 你 can 忍耐到底吗? Yes, 100% sure!
why? because of His promise! He promised to help me till that day!

I, myself, cannot 忍耐到底, I don't want to 忍耐 one more day,
but I believe His promise as a package
(to make me believe in God and believe what Jesus did in
my place on the cross and believe He must help me till that day)
so that I am willing to go to church instead of golf court and to
tithe instead to buy a CARDILAC and to treat my wife as a princess
instead to lust around and to argue those important doctrines with you
instead to love here and love there......His grace is always sufficient as
Paul told us, this is what I believed,
if one cannot 忍耐到底 , it turn out that he didn't believe from the beginning
as those apostle mentioned about Judah.
  别玩文字游戏了。 - soccerfun 07/24/08 (280)
    There is no 文字游戏 here - Yuehanmiao 07/25/08 (237)
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