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送交者: 楊愛程 2002年12月24日07:40:19 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話

作者:麥克.梅遜 中文翻譯:楊光


□1995 版權所屬,經作者允准刊登,特此鳴謝。(真理報2002年12月號)

The Giver
Author: Mike Mason Chinese Translation by: Linda Yang
Christmas morning, 1995.
Heather is eight years old and we’re sitting in the living room around the tree. We’ve barely begun to open the presents, but already Heather is dragging out the one from Daddy crying, “ I want this one.”
“No, Heather,” I say for about the tenth time. “That’s a special one and I’d like you to save it until the end.”
“But I want it NOWWWWWW!” she wails.
Already she’s grabbing at the ribbon. What to do? Snatch the box away? In my mind I picture a vicious physical struggle over a Christmas present, a little girl hot with tears bolting furiously from the room, Karen glaring at me reproachfully, Christmas Day in ruins.
At the same time, I’m thinking about the contents of this box. This is a very, very special gift, and it’s important to me that it is left until last. It’s especially important that Heather not open it in her present condition: grasping, whining, impudent, spoiled rotten.
“Heather, please don’t open that now. I beg you.”
“Daddy, don’t be silly. It’s my present; I can open it if I want.”
Already the paper is being torn.
“Heather─Stop! Please!”
But it’s too late. The bare box is exposed, and now the lid is coming off. Now the tissue paper is parting卲ar Okay, okay, I tell myself. Lean back, take a deep breath. Get a grip. The special present is ruined, but it’s not the end of the world.
And then, all at once─a miracle! Who would have dreamed that such a thing could happen?
Heather is crying! Sobbing, in fact. As the contents of the box are laid bare, she’s sobbing and sobbing as if her heart would burst.
Karen and I lean closer, put our arms around her. All together we gaze at the object in the box, still the crying goes on and on卲ar
Now let me back up to the night before, Christmas Eve. It’s getting on to midnight, and after a busy week I’m aching for bed, but there’s one more job I have to do. It’s a job that was supposed to be easy but like most manual tasks I undertake, it’s developed a bizarre complication.
I’m seated in a halo of light at my grandfather’s old oak desk. In one hand I hold a wooden cross about eighteen inches long, and in the other plastic figure of Jesus in a loincloth with His arms outstretched. I’m trying to get the two to fit together. On the desk is a tube of contact cement, and beside it a small bottle of epoxy. Both substances have utterly failed to accomplish their intended purpose. I’m about to go down to the basement to get the hot glue. But I can tell you right now, that’s isn’t going to work either.
The problem is that Jesus is warped. His hands and His feet are not on a level plane, so every time I try to stick Him down, He pops up again. This plastic is really tough stuff!
Finally I get so exasperated with the darned thing that I’m about to ready to use nails. At that point, I turn the whole mess over to Karen, who of course with her womanly arts accomplishes it easily.
And so to bed.

Only once before in her life have I heard Heather cry the way she cried that Christmas morning. The other time, we were in church singing worship songs. At least, Karen and I were singing. At that age, Heather was more likely to be reading, drawing, fidgeting, talking or rummaging around for food.
All at once, for no apparent reason, she burst into tears. Different kinds of crying have different sounds, and instantly I knew that this was no ordinary crying over a pinched finger or a thwarted desire. This was weeping. Have you ever heard a child weep? The crying of angels, I suppose, could hardly have a sound more surprising, more holy, more heartrendingly pure.
It went on for a long, long time, and when it ceased, our little girl looked like a freshly bloomed rose washed in dew in the first light of the morning.
Later, when we asked her what had happened, she said simply, “I saw an angel light.” Around then I was working on a book about angels, and I’d mentioned the fact that some people see angels not in the form of figures, but as colored lights.
Glancing up toward the church balcony that morning, Heather had seen a circular light composed of many beautiful colors. This is what had touched her heart, and for long afterwards, she referred to this experience as her ‘vision’.

Now it’s Christmas morning, and once again I’m hearing the sound of my daughter weeping. Only this time it’s not a vision she’s seeing; it’s something solid and tangible. An object.
The object Heather is crying over is a crucifix. Jesus on the cross.
Her crying was deep, savage, tender, wrenchingly repentant.
The crucifix is something she wanted. Asked for. I have one in my study, which I received as a gift at the age fifteen on the occasion of my confirmation in the Anglican Church. I did not become a Christian until fourteen years later, in the meantime sowing a lot of wild oats. But for some reason, wherever I went I kept that crucifix hanging on my wall.
Heather, looking at it one day, asked if she could have one for her room. I was pleased. Overjoyed, in fact. I’d far rather give her Jesus than Barbie.
So off I went to the Catholic bookstore (really more of a jewelry or hardware store) to stand in front of the “wailing wall” inspecting the crucifixes. I couldn’t find one that I liked. After all, it’s two days before Christmas, hardly the right season. Maybe their Easter stock was low.
In the end I had to buy the cross and the figure separately, and that is why I spent Christmas Eve trying to affix Jesus to His cross and finding out that He didn’t want to go.

The next day I could hardly wait for Heather to open her special present. But it had to be at the end, after the orgy of materialism was spent. That way, I reasoned, we could move easily into a time of family devotions. Every year this is a challenge, trying to slip the Bible in among the presents without Heather noticing.
This year, instead of the Christmas story from Luke, I planned to read the story of Good Friday and Easter. It would be a different sort of Christmas, a memorable one.
Yet never in my fondest imaginings could I have predicted just how different and memorable this Christmas was to be.
Heather’s sobbing went on and on卆nd on and on卲ar The three of us sat there huddling on the couch until, finally, it subsided. Heather still hadn’t taken the crucifix out of the box. Now she began to touch it, delicately, exploratively, and eventually she took it into her hands.
By this point it was clear that room was filling up with a kind of warm, rich, golden glow. All of us felt it. We were all teary, softened, bright-eyed, touched to the core. It was as if God Himself had opened us up like Christmas gifts, run His tender fingers all over us, and exposed our soft and real hearts.
What happened then was no canned devotional time, but the most beautiful spontaneous worship I have ever experienced. With God right there in the room, what else could we do but thank and praise Him, lift our voices in hymns and carols, and even get up and dance around the Christmas tree for pure joy!
Oh yes─Jesus would not stay on His cross that day! He would not be glued down and hung on a wall! For close to an hour, an eight-year-old girl completely forgot all the rest of her presents still waiting to be opened, and celebrated one present only, the one gift that she suddenly knew to be better than all other gifts in the world put together.
What came out of the box that Christmas morning was no crucifix, but Jesus Himself─Jesus alive, royally well, and bursting with happiness. This was more than a mere gift─it was the Giver Himself!
□Used by author’s permission

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