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A summary of evidences of coming of the new Christ
送交者: 朱中卿 2017年05月19日18:37:48 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话

A summary of the evidences of the coming of the Messiah (the new Christ)


The Messiah (the new Christ) has come in 2002. His coming confirmed all the major predictions.


Read these articles in order, you will recognize the new christ. And you will know the true meaning of prophecy.


  1. The next progress of human history and the wonderful prophecy

    ---- This is the most fundamental proof of the new christ. Opposition people need to reverse the logic of this evidence, Otherwise, their opposition is unreasonable.


  2. In 2002, water stains appeared on the Wailing Wall of Israel, which means that Savior Messiah is really coming!

    ---- This omen appeared at the same time as new Christ came, it is magical and accurate.


  3. First part of the interpretation for Bible prophecies, a new heaven and a new earth must mean the new social system ------ The thirteenth part for the interpretation of Bible prophecy, how do the prophets make the prophecy?

    ---- The coming of the new Christ reveals the true meaning of prophecy. It is not the prophecy confirms the new Christ, but the new Christ confirms the prophecy.


  4. The Gather of Prophecies from Both the East and the West: the Evidence for the Birth of the Saint (the Messiah).

    ---- The coming of the new Christ reveals the true meaning of prophecy. It is not the prophecy confirms the new Christ, but the new Christ confirms the prophecy.


  5. This time it is true! The Christ (the lamb) has come again.

    ---- It has to be admitted that the prophecy has fully and accurately described the new Christ.

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