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Second coming Jesus is higher than first coming Je
送交者: 朱中卿 2017年06月23日20:04:07 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话

The second coming Jesus is higher than the first coming Jesus
1.     Is Jesus God?
God can fulfill all prophecies, can rule the whole land, and can lead all religions and all nations and all people.
The first coming Jesus did not fulfilled all the prophecies, so he was not God. The first coming Jesus was not in charge of the whole land, so he was not God.
The second coming Juses can fulfill all prophecies and will rule the whole land and will be God  =  the first coming Jesus was God too?
The first coming Jesus became God after death = the first coming Jesus was God when he was alive? = What the first coming Jesus said when he was alive was God's words?
Jesus is God, referring to the second coming Jesus, not the first coming Jesus.
Trump is the President, referring to seventy years old Trump, not young Trump.

2.  Is Juses the only way and truth?

The first coming Jesus did not fully fulfilled the prophecies and did not finished his work , so he needs to come again.
So the second coming Jesus is the real way and the real truth better than the first coming Jesus.
So the first coming Jesus was not the only way and truth.

Jesus is the only way and truth, referring to the second coming Jesus, not the first coming Jesus.

3.   Is Jesus the only son of God?

The second coming Juses can fulfill all prophecies, can rule the whole land, and can lead all religions and all nations and all people. He is the general saint(common saint) of all religions. He is the one and only.

The first coming Jesus could not fully fulfilled the prophecies,could not rule the whole land,could not lead all religions and all nations and all people.He is a saint of one religion. He was juxtaposed with the saints of other religions,He is not the one and only.

Jesus is the only son of God, referring to the second coming Jesus, not the first coming Jesus.

4.  Is Jesus the King of kings?

When the first coming Jesus was alive, he was not the King of Kings, He had only 12 disciples. When the first coming Jesus died, he was not the only “ king of Kings”, Mohamed was the “King of Kings” of the Islamic world, Confucius was the “King of Kings” of  the Confucian world.

The Bible prophecy of the king of kings, is a description of the second coming Jesus. He is the King of Kings when he is alive.He is the King of Kings of whole world.He is the only “King of Kings “.

Jesus is the King of Kings, referring to the second coming Jesus, not the first coming Jesus.

5. Is Jesus the Messiah?
The Messiah is a political leader. The first coming Jesus was not a political leader, so the first coming Jesus was not the Messiah.
Jesus is the Messiah, referring to the second coming Jesus. The second coming Jesus will establish global leadership to achieve the unity of all mankind, and he will become the political leader of all mankind.

6.  The second coming Jesus has come already.

The second coming Jesus can fulfill all prophecies perfectly, He is the general saint(common saint) of all religions.He will rule the whole land, he will lead all religions and all nations and all people.

He is the true Messiah. He is the only son of God.He is the only “King of Kings”.He is the only way and truth.What he say is the words of God.His book is the book of Lamb.

He will carry out the plan of God. After the saints of all religions gathered the crowds, he will lead all religions and establish a world government, and unite all mankind. He will accomplish the final redemption. He will finally achieve God's plan.

His name is Zhongqing Zhu.
You should welcome him. You should spread the gospel.

7.  The plan of God

The world is under God's hands at any time.
Therefore, the saints of all religions are the messengers of God, and all religions are God's permission.
If you don't accept that, it means you don't think God can take over the whole land.
The saints of all religions gathered the crowds, and then the general saint (the common saint ) unify all religions.
In God's plan, the work of the saints of all religions is the preparation of the final redemption of the general saint.
Therefore, to resist the general saint is to betray God, and to resist the work of the general saint is to resist all the plans of God.

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