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多伦多downtown讲座 - 信仰与科学(关于进化论)
送交者: strangers 2017年12月31日17:07:23 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话

多伦多downtown讲座 - 信仰与科学(A Catholic Perspective on Evolution)

Thursday, January 25, 2018 at 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM EST
Newman Centre Catholic Chaplaincy
89 St. George Street, Toronto, Ontario M5S 2E8

Join us on Thursday, January 25, 2018 at the Newman Centre for the Angelic Doctor lecture with Fr. Thomas Davenport, OP on A Catholic Perspective on Evolution. Fr. Davenport is a scientist and co-author of “Thomistic Evolution”  

Synopsis: Many Christians have found it hard to reconcile modern science with their faith, particularly when it comes to evolution. Although they may not realize it, Catholics have a wealth of philosophical, theological, and scriptural tradition to draw on to help address difficulties raised by the developments of modern science. This lecture will lay out some of the fundamental principles that help Catholics understand the harmony between faith and science, and evolution in particular.

Speaker biography: Fr. Thomas Davenport was born in Mt. Clemens, MI, the son of  an Army officer, and moved a number of times with his parents and older brother while growing up. Eventually he graduated from high school in northern Virginia,  where his parents still live and attend Our Lady of Good Counsel Church. He studied physics at the California Institute of Technology and went on to earn a PhD in physics from Stanford University. “I have always been inspired by the wonder of God’s creation, even down to its smallest parts, but as a Dominican I have begun to see more clearly the place of that creation in His providential order and hope to share the beauty of His loving plan, even down to the smallest individual.

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