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The Five Points of Calvinism
送交者: 诚之 2007年06月14日23:27:03 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话

The Five Points of Calvinism
by Robert L. Reymond
from A New Systematic Theology of the Christian Faith

The Acronym TULIP represents the so-called five points of Calvinism, which are, in brief, as follows:

1. Total Depravity. 全然堕落
Both because of original sin and their own acts of sin, all mankind, excepting Christ, in their nature state are thoroughly corrupt and completely evil, though they are restrained from living out their corruptness in its fullness by the instrumentalities of God’s common grace. Accordingly they are completely incapable of saving themselves.


2. Unconditional Election无条件的拣选
Before the creation o f the world, out of his mere free grace and love, God elected many undeserving sinners to complete and final salvation without any foresight of faith or good works or any other thing in them as conditions or causes which moved him to choose them. That is to say, the ground of their election is not in them but in him.

3. Limited Atonement有限的救赎 (特殊救赎)
Christ died efficaciously, that is, truly savingly, only for the elect, although the infinite sufficiency of his atonement and the divine summons to all to repent and trust in Christ provide the warrant for the universal proclamation of the gospel to all men. I personally prefer the terms “definite atonement,” “particular atonement,” or “efficacious atonement” over “limited atonement,” both because of possible in misunderstanding of the word ‘limited’ and because every evangelical “limits” the atonement either in its design (the Calvinist) or in its power to accomplish it purpose (the Arminian).
基督的死是有功效的,也就是说,真的救了那些被拣选的人,祂的赎罪(atonement)以及对所有要悔改信基督的圣召具有无限的充足性,因此为此福音给所有人的普遍宣告提供了合法性。我个人比较喜欢“限定救赎”(definite atonement),“特殊救赎”(particular atonement)或“有效救赎”(efficacious atonement),而不是“有限救赎”(limited atonement)。因为可能误解“有限”这个词,也因为所有的福音派都将赎罪加以“限定”,要不是在其设计上(加尔文主义者),要不就是在达成目标的能力上(阿米念)。

4. Irresistible grace不可抗拒的恩典
This doctrine does not mean that the nonelect will find God’s grace irresistible; indeed, God’s saving grace is not even extended to them. Nor does it mean that the elect will find God’s saving grace irresistible the very first time it is extended to them, for even the elect may resist his overtures toward them for a time. What it does mean is that the elect are incapable of resisting forever God’s gracious overtures toward them. At his appointed time, God draws the elect, one by one, to himself by removing their hostility and opposition to him and his Christ, making them willing to embrace his Son.

5. Perseverance of the saints.圣徒的坚忍
The elect are eternally secure in Christ, who preserves his own and enables them to persevere in him unto the end. Those professing Christians who have apostasized from the faith (1 Tim 4:1), as John states, ‘”sent out from us, but they did not really belong to us, For if they had belonged to us, they would have remained with us; but their going showed that none of them belonged to us” (1 John 2:19)

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