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送交者: adajo 2008年11月19日14:50:58 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
你们要将一切的忧虑卸给神,因为他顾念你们 ”(彼得前书 5:7)
《圣徒诗歌》第448首,Civilla Martin 1904词,Walter Martin 1904 曲 应当住在神恩翅下,神必定顾念你; 任何遭遇不要惊怕,神必定顾念你。 (副)神必定顾念你,时时顾念,处处顾念; 神必定顾念你,神必定顾念你。 时因困难心中失望,神必定顾念你; 时遇险恶无处隐藏,神必定顾念你。 无一祈求祂会推诿,神必定顾念你; 所有需要祂必豫备,神必定顾念你。 无论你遇何种试炼,神必定顾念你; 疲倦的人靠祂胸前,神必定顾念你
"God Will Take Care Of You" By The Oak Ridge Boys (2007) http://www.youtube.com/v/18v2qcJvy14 ZT from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18v2qcJvy14 Be not dismayed whate’er betide, God will take care of you; Beneath His wings of love abide, God will take care of you. Refrain God will take care of you, Through every day, over all the way; He will take care of you, God will take care of you. Through days of toil when heart doth fail, God will take care of you; When dangers fierce your path assail, God will take care of you. Refrain All you may need He will provide, God will take care of you; Nothing you ask will be denied, God will take care of you. Refrain No matter what may be the test, God will take care of you; Lean, weary one, upon His breast, God will take care of you. Refrain wbccbs God Will Take Care of You http://www.youtube.com/v/0Qbi9dsWQRU ZT from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Qbi9dsWQRU
  I like that beard  /无内容 - mean 11/19/08 (222)
    可远观不可。。。 - adajo 11/19/08 (186)
  神必定顾念你(亡羊补牢版) - adajo 11/19/08 (292)
    麻烦您单独贴主贴一下 - 十五哥 11/19/08 (216)
      Yes, Sir! Sorry, Sir~ :))  /无内容 - adajo 11/19/08 (150)
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