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送交者: 张钧 2010年11月24日11:01:57 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话

好长时间没有上彩虹论坛,因为一直在研究圣经预言和结束手头的生意(现已经基本变卖掉)。今天在圣经预言上有了一个比较大的突破,那就是不但看到神按照启示录12和13章的预言允许魔鬼在末世的末了假冒神的“三位一体”(这是很多传道人早已看到的了),而且似乎(不敢说绝对)找到了启示录12:3的大红龙的实体,那就是英国著名现代画家Benjamin Creme从1972年就开始推崇的一个人。Benjamin Creme称这个人叫Maitreya,出生地不详,但从1977年起就住在伦敦的印巴社区里。这位英国画家是以这样惊人的宣告推崇他的“对于犹太人 Maitreya就是弥赛亚,对于基督徒Maitreya就是再来的基督,对于伊斯兰教的穆斯林来说Maitreya就是他们等候的Imam Mahdi,对于佛教徒来说Maitreya就是佛祖再世,对于印度教徒来说Maitreya就是他们等候的Krishna”


最令人震惊的是他们对基督论的教导非常类似于聚会所李常受的异端讲论,说基督是灵,而耶稣是基督自己造的人/身体 -- 他们的原话是这样讲的:

“Jesus of Nazareth and the Christ are not one and the same person. This is one of the most difficult claims for many Christians to accept in connection with Maitreya, the World Teacher, and it therefore needs some further explanation.

In fact, the title Christ does not refer to an individual at all. It is the name of a function in the Hierarchy of Masters of Wisdom, that group of advanced beings who guide the evolution of humanity from behind the scenes. Whoever stands at the head of this Hierarchy automatically becomes the World Teacher, known in the East as the Bodhisattva, during the term of his office.

Maitreya, who embodies the energy we call the Christ Principle, has held that office for over two millennia. In Palestine he manifested himself as the Christ to inaugurate the Age of Pisces, then beginning. The method he used is called spiritual overshadowing, that is, his consciousness informed and guided the actions and teachings of his disciple Jesus. It was, therefore, the consciousness of the Christ, Maitreya, which was seen and experienced by those around Jesus.”
基于上面的原因和启示录12、13章的描述,我觉得这位Maitreya很可能是假冒“三位一体”的“父”,在他的帮助下,要带出假冒“三位一体”的 “子”。假冒的“灵”早已存在。所以,我们看到魔鬼在末世的末了所要发起的运动就是“假冒三位一体”。为着警醒基督徒的缘故,我们设立了“真理的磐石”事工,并设立了大家都可以参与的ProphecInNews(暂且译为“应验中的预言”),其中一个分类就是“Anti Trinity”:



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