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送交者: msc 2014年06月28日21:44:05 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话

And how can we fancy that we can measure the love of God by what he has done for each and every human soul? Persist in reading the text thus distributively, making "the world" mean each and every man that lives on the earth, and what, after all, does it declare that the love of God has done for them? Just open a way of salvation before men, give them an opportunity to save themselves. For, what, in that contingency, does the text assert? Just this: that "God so loved the world"—that is, each and every man that has lived, does live, or shall live in this world—"that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on him should not perish, but have eternal life." "Whosoever believeth on him"—those only.

我们惊奇这么能够用神对我们每一个灵魂所做的来度量神的爱? 就是坚持分布一贯似地读圣经, 把“世界”解释成我们每一个生活在世界上的人, 最后声称神的爱就是为他们所做的一切?就是在人的面前开一条救恩的路, 给他们一个救他们自己的机会? 在这种条件下, 这段经文确定了什么? 就是这些? “神爱世人“, 即在世界上生活过的, 正在生活的和将来生活的人, “甚至将他的独生子赐给他们,叫一切信他的,不至灭亡,反得永生“, “一切信他的“就这么多而已。

Is this, then, the measure of the immeasurable love of God—that he barely opens a pathway to salvation before sinful men, and stops right there; does nothing further for them—leaving it to their own unassisted initiative whether they will walk in it or not? Surely this cannot be the teaching of the text; and that, for many reasons. Primary among them is this: that we all know that the love of God has done much more than this for multitudes of the children of men, namely, has not merely opened a way of salvation before them, but has actually saved them.

然而, 这就是神的不可度量的爱的度量? 他只是在罪人面前开了一条拯救的路就停下了 然后什么也不干了, 把一切都留给那些无助人去决定是不是走这条路? 肯定这不是这段经节所要教导的。 这有许多原因。 主要的原因是我们都知道神的爱对众多人的儿女所成就的远远超过了这些 它不仅只是为他们开了一条救恩之路, 而且实际上拯救了他们。

Nor is our text silent on this point. It is not in this mere opening of a way of salvation before each and every man that the love of God for the world is declared by it to issue, but in the actual saving of the world. We read the next verse and we discover it asserting that God sent his Son into the world for this specific end—that the world should be "saved by him." God did not then only so love the world as to give it a bare chance of salvation; he so loved the world that he saved the world. And surely this is something far better. It provides a much higher standard by which to estimate the greatness of God's love.

我们的这段经文在这一点上也不沉默。 神的爱不仅是在每一个人面前开一条拯救的道路这件事上x显明, 而是在对世界的实际拯救上。 我们读下一节, 我们确定地发现神送他的儿子到这个世界上为一个特别的结局--世界由他来拯救。 神爱世界不只是给世界一个得拯救的机会,他爱世界并拯救了世界。 这肯定是一种非常好的事情。 它提供了估量神的爱的伟大的更高的标准。

We discover, then, that the distribution of the term "world" in our text into "each and every man in the world" not only begins with the obvious misstep of directing our attention at once rather to the greatness of the world than to the greatness of God's love and only infers the latter from the former. It ends by positively belittling the love of God, as if it could content itself with half-measures—nay, in numerous instances, with what is practically no measure at all. For if it is satisfied with merely opening a way of salvation and leaving men to walk in this way or not as they will, the hard facts of life force us to add that it is satisfied with merely opening a way of salvation for multitudes to whom it should never be made known that a way of salvation lay open before them, although their sole hope is in their walking in it.

我们发现,把这段经文里的“世界”都解释成“世上的每一个人“不只以一部明显错步开始: 把注意力立即引向世界的伟大而不是神的爱的伟大并隐喻后者来自前者, 而且通过一种明显贬低神的爱来结束: 好像他满足于以一半的度量来结束。 在许多例子里, 实际上根本没有度量。 如果它仅仅是开一条拯救的道路, 任人凭自己的意愿来决定是否走这路, 生活的严酷事实是我们不得不加上这样的理解: 它仅仅以为众多的人开一条拯救的路为满足 没有必要让他们知道这条路已经为他们而开, 尽管他们的唯一希望是在这路上行走。

And why dwell on special cases? Shall we not recognize frankly that so meager a provision would be operative in no case? For even when it is made known to men that a way of salvation is opened before them, can they—being sinners—walk in it? Let our passage itself tell us. Does it not explicitly declare that every one that doeth ill hateth the light and cometh not to the light? And who of us does not know that he, at least—if not every man—doeth ill? Does the love of God expend itself then in inoperative manifestations?

为什么要在特殊情况上纠缠? 难道我们不应该坦率承认如此几率微小的情况不可能出现? 即使世人已经被告知有一条路为他们开, 他们(罪人)能够在上面行走? 让我们的经文告诉我们: 难道经文没有明明白白告诉我们凡作恶的便恨光,并不来就光? 我们不知道至少我们自己(如果不是每一个人的话)做过恶? 难道神的爱就在不运行的宣告里耗尽自己?

Surely not so can be measured the love of God, of which the Scriptures tell us that its height and depth and length and breadth pass knowledge; of which Paul declares that nothing can separate us from it—not death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature; of which he openly asserts that if it avails to reconcile us with God, through the death of his Son, much more shall it avail to bring us into the fruition of salvation by his life.

当然神的爱不能如此地度量 圣经告诉我们它的长阔高深超出我们的理解。 保罗也宣告没有什么能够是我们与它隔绝--是死,是生,是天使,是掌权的,是有能的,是现在的事,是将来的事, 是高处的,是低处的,是别的受造之物,都不能叫我们与神的爱隔绝。保罗也公开确定且借着神儿子的死,得与神和好,既已和好,就更要因他的生得救了

Does "the World" Mean "the Elect"?


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