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送交者: 戒酒 2002年08月27日21:49:38 於 [戀戀風塵] 發送悄悄話

Artist : Bic Runga
Song : Sway

From: American Pie

Don't stray
Don't ever go away
I should be much to smart for this
You know it gets the betterOf me
When you and I collide
I fall into an ocean of you
Pull me out in time
Don't let me drown
Let me down
I say it's all because of you
And here IGo
Losing myControl
I'm practising your name
So I can say it
To your face it doesn't
Seem right
To look you in the eye
And let all the things
You mean to me
Come tumbling out my mouth
Indeed it's time
Tell you why
I say it's
Infinitely true

Say you'll stay
Don't come and go
Like you do
Sway my way
Yeah I need to know
All about you

And there's no cure
And no way to be sure
Why everythings turned inside out
Instilling so much doubt
It makes me so tired
I feel so uninspired
My head is battling with my heart
My logic has been torn apart
And now
It all turns sour
Come sweeten
Every afternoon

Its all because of you
Its all because of you

Now it all turns sour
Come sweeten
Every afternoon
It's time
Tell you why
I say it's
Infinitely true

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