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朵而:2012 夏日短暂恋情(三)
送交者: 朵而 2013年05月01日17:40:32 于 [恋恋风尘] 发送悄悄话

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D:  Subject: Thanks a lot

Sent: 11/6/2011 8:53:21 PM

In advance, thank you send me lots of beautiful music address. Yes, I have heard some, I listened Richard Clayderman' piano playing on site when he went beijing couple years ago. I got the CD. Especially, I love the first, music and picture. Last , I really wish I could go to a concert by Yanni, it's amazing violin.I feel exciting and happy.

I still remember Yanni - Nightingale - Concert in Forbidden City - Beijing China, that's my first time listening his playing.

Often, when I feel lonely, I would listen the music and drink a pot tea,quiet and peaceful.

Yesterday is gone. You only have today and future, but nobody knows how about future, you only have today.


Subject: Re:Thanks a lot

Sent: 11/6/2011 9:41:21 PM

I'm glad you like them. I wish I could be in Yanni concert too. Me also use to listen to music in my lonely time. I have a lot of different music.

Yesterday was today and it's gone. Keep it as an experience.

Today was tomorrow and it's happening now. Enjoy it.

Tomorrow will be today and it's coming. Plan it.

You have a beautiful spirit and kind heart. I like you.


Subject: Re:Re:Thanks a lot

Sent: 11/8/2011 5:40:07 PM

"Yesterday was today and it's gone. Keep it as an experience.

Today was tomorrow and it's happening now. Enjoy it.

Tomorrow will be today and it's coming. Plan it."

I like them.life is short, no time to think too much.

"Comfort on difficult days, smiles when sadness intrudes,

rainbows to follow the clouds,

laughter to kiss your lips,

sunsets to warm your heart,

hugs when spirits sag,

beauty for your eyes to see,

friendships to brighten your being, faith so that you can believe,

confidence for when you doubt, courage to know yourself, patience to accept the truth, Love to complete your life"

By the way,could you mind tell me how to call your name?


Sent: 11/10/2011 5:56:06 PM


I'm sorry for delay. I was so busy these days.

My name is M. How about yours.


Sent: 11/10/2011 8:04:41 PM

I am D. Don't say sorry. I understand. It's my pleasure to get your message. If you don't mind and have any leisure time,tell me more regarding your story, meantime I would tell you about me.


Sent: 11/10/2011 8:58:17 PM

Thanks for understanding. It's my pleasure too.

Ask me any question you may have about my story.


Sent: 11/12/2011 5:32:15 PM

Hi D,

After a long busy day today that I even didn't shave. Something amazed me while I was driving.

I just realized the moon.

It's worth to look at the moon tonight, don't miss it.

There are many beauties around us. We just need look at them.

Take Care


Subject: Happy weekend!

Sent: 11/19/2011 3:38:54 PM

Whatever where you are, Whatever what you do, just say happy weekend.


Hi D, this is so beautiful. Thanks.

I am busy with my job and simultaneously I have my mother with me. She came from my hometown and she will stay in Toronto for two months.

That's why I couldn't check my messages. I'm sorry again.

So, I'll be on and off for next two month.

I hear you about my health and the reason that my mother came to Toronto is me. She found that I'm getting weak in my health and she decided to come here and take care of me for a while. She is a mother. Thanks for her.

Please stay in touch even if I don't answer your messages. I will read all and send you messages as I can.

Thank you for understanding!

Take Care

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