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送交者: 阿黛 2013年06月23日10:20:56 于 [竞技沙龙] 发送悄悄话


尊敬的校长,在过去的几次EE往中,59日你说。。。05/17你说。。。06/01你又说。。。可是时至今日,学校已经放假,毕业生已经离校,我不明白贵校为什么迟迟不肯发出这封信(如果它真的存在)。我认为我们有权知道你对此事的处理过程和处理结果,最重要是那个学生的态度,至今我们连他的名字都不能确定,你就已经宣布此事已了,要我说,NOT YET



I apologize for the delay in your receiving the attached letter concerning the tennis incident. I did not wait to deal with the situation, as you suggested, but notified the coaches, investigated the situation, talked with the doubles team involved and the parents of the offending player, and disciplined the young man, all prior to school being let out. We have planned to also conduct some sensitivity training before the season starts next year as well.

My school secretary sent the letter to the Athletic Director, but had filed the letter upon her exit for summer break, which is the reason I am just now sending you a copy of the letter. I only recently located it again, plus I have been interviewing and out of the building for a few days.

Again, I apologize for the incident and was not proud of how the student conducted himself, but high school is a learning experience and I believe he was remorseful for the incident. I wish you the best of luck in the future.


。。。。I was overly aggressive towards the players whom I was playing and may have said things that were rude, cruel, or just plain disrespectful. I tend to go over the top with the things that I say because I just get in a zone and completely ignore the true meaning behind the game; I lost my cool and let thins slip. I would like to formally apologize for all of my words and actions during the tennis match that day and if I could go back I would do it all differently.

Thank you for taking the time to read this; I hope that you can forgive me for my inconsiderate actions.

我在第一时间让儿子读了这封信, 他只“OK ”了一声就转身走开了,很无所谓的样子。我宽宽心,长舒一口气,现在,以为这事可以了了。

直到前几天我去商店买几个玉米,只几个玉米,就选择了SELF CHECKOUT,刚要付钱时一个工作人员大妈跑过来指指我的购物袋又指指屏幕,问:HOW MANY DID YOU INPUT? 我愣了一下才明白了她的怀疑,就冷冷地瞪着她冲口而出:YOU THINK I DO NOT KNOW HOW TO COUNT? 她和我对视了1秒,摆摆手说着SORRY转身要走,我又追一句:WHATS WRONG WITH YOU? 虽然喝退了她,可我心里一阵阵难受,也许人家也就是履行公事,并没有恶意,是我,已经不知不觉成了刺猬,用满身的刺武装自己,随时准备还击,我为自己感到悲哀。

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