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murray is more patient
送交者: bfbx 2008月09月10日15:08:53 于 [竞技沙龙] 发送悄悄话
回  答: play rhythum is anothervanasian 于 2008-09-10 14:57:16
if this is what you mean.

Federer used to be able to bludgeon opponent to death with his
one-of-the-best-ever forehand. against any other player, he plays
a few shots, and then boom, finishes the point with a forehand
winner. against nadal, the ball just keeps coming back. i think
this annoys him big time and gets him more and more impatient.

murray's game is all about shot selection. he seems to be able
to select the right shot (drop shot aside) every time. his shots
maybe less lethal than federer's but when he string up a sequence
of good shots together, he constructs a winner. he is a very very
smart tennis player.
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