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送交者: ztyixia 2008月11月03日09:27:48 於 [競技沙龍] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 麥粑: 沙龍NBA飯太稀演義第一回麥粑 於 2008-11-03 07:13:38
The Pistons have reached a tentative agreement with the Nuggets to trade Chauncey Billups and Antonio McDyess in exchange for Allen Iverson.

That would solve the Nuggets' point guard problems and Iverson is clearly not happy in Denver. Neither player attended today's shootaround, and ESPN's Stephen A. Smith says the deal could be completed any minute. The big question is whether Iverson plays point guard or shooting guard in Detroit. Either way, he's going to gobble up a ton of guard minutes, which may not be great news for Rodney Stuckey and Rip Hamilton. Then again, some feel the move may have been made to clear the way for Stuckey to start. Iverson has been walking through the motions in Denver, so this news is not all that surprising.

Billups reportedly headed to Denver for A.I.

The Pistons have reportedly agreed to trade Chauncey Billups and Antonio McDyess to the Nuggets in exchange for Allen Iverson.

This could have huge fantasy fallout. Assuming the deal goes through, Detroit could start Rodney Stuckey and Iverson in the backcourt, moving Rip Hamilton to either small forward or a sixth-man role. Iverson could also take over at PG, keeping Stuckey on the bench. The departure of McDyess clears more minutes for Amir Johnson and Jason Maxiell, improving their up-and-down value. Stay tuned.
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