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送交者: CyberCat 2008月11月04日09:14:55 于 [竞技沙龙] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 政策的细节是专家和政客的事南天门 于 2008-11-04 09:04:00
I am by no means a Bush fan. As a matter of fact, I was so against him and his policies every step of the way since 2000. However, to blame him for this mess is totally unfair. Let me tell you this, he is just not intelligent enough to create such a mess. What the media has been doing is not to hold someone accountable. Rather it is to find a scapegoat. Forget about politicians, now you tell me what major policy that Bush adopted (not a continuation from Clinton's administration) during his 8-year tenure has contributed to this economy downturn. Let me tell you, there is none.
  老百姓可不就是瞎起哄吗? - 南天门 11/04/08 (104)
    That's why people are being - CyberCat 11/04/08 (103)
    历史的车轮轰轰的, 谁能阻挡? 嘿嘿  /无内容 - w2mazi 11/04/08 (73)
      胖也不行  /无内容 - w2mazi 11/04/08 (74)
    What he could have done? - CyberCat 11/04/08 (107)
      Then he has a wrong team - 阿胖~ 11/04/08 (99)
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