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Good article by great person!
送交者: sable 2008月12月01日06:34:54 于 [竞技沙龙] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 重庆崽儿: 流逝的岁月(连载15)重庆崽儿 于 2008-11-28 21:39:06
Thank you for sharing these articles. Those stories bring back my childhood memories. My mother is a retired doctor. She used to work in the remote countryside for few years. My brother and I were there. Nobody was looking after us when she was working. I fell in the pond behind the small hospital and almost drowned (I was three by that time). Fortunately, an old lady found me and dragged me out of the pond.

I still remember the beauty of this place. The water used to be so clean. You could see through. And I often leaned on the fence watching the sunset and missing my father in another city. When it was harvest time, the field was golden yellow. We played hide and seek in the groud farmers stock their hays. And these scenes still show in my dream once a while.

Compare to the farmers\' kids, we were lucky. I saw those kids eating carrots directly from the ground....
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