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送交者: 红山狼 2009月02月24日17:57:28 于 [竞技沙龙] 发送悄悄话
回  答: Rockets vs Blazers Go Rockets!rox2008 于 2009-02-24 17:32:48
Mon, Feb 23rd 2009, 12:40
My Apology
Just wanted to drop you all a line and give you an update. I’m having my surgery tomorrow, and while it’s always a little nerve-racking to go under the knife, I’m excited to take the first step towards getting healthy and getting back on the court. I’ve been overwhelmed by the support from friends and all you fans out there, and that makes me all the more eager to get through this surgery and rehab process so that I can get healthy and get back out there to do what I love to do.

With that said I would like to apologize to Les Alexander, the Rockets organization, and of course all the fans out there for this entire situation. Les and the Rockets have been nothing short of amazing to me and my family during my entire time with them, and for that I thank them. The organization has invested so much in bringing a championship to Houston this season, and there’s nothing I want more than to be a part of that. The injuries have really taken a toll on me, and I can’t help but feel like I’m letting everyone down by not being out there with my teammates. I’m sorry to all those who were counting on me to help this team achieve great things. Coach Adelman has been extremely accommodating and patient with me while we have tried to work through this, and I am thankful to him for that. It’s hard enough to prepare night in and night out to go up against the best players in the world, and it’s even harder to do it without knowing the status of your players. This team still has a lot of talent and heart and I think coach will be able to get the most out of everyone. The Rockets have a chance to make a deep run, and I’ll be there cheering on my guys every step of the way.

My personal focus now is to look forward and dedicate myself 100% to returning to the court and returning to be the player I was and know that I still am. Coming back from this won’t be easy, but I promise to rehab hard, listen to my doctors, and do everything possible in my power to be the best that I can be when I return. I love being a Rocket and a member of the Houston community and am eager to prove my commitment to this team and this city.

Thank you again for your continued and unwavering support.

  俺被忽悠了? 没见向队友道歉。 /无内容 - 红山狼 02/24/09 (38)
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