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搜来的一段对话. 是和Irish team那次? 哪年的事?
送交者: 阿胖~ 2009月02月25日10:31:43 于 [竞技沙龙] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 表扬我自己一下 --牛油手版gobelieve 于 2009-02-25 09:47:04
Originally Posted by Dasayev
Rinat Dasayev - one of the greatest goalkeepers of all time.

until he was beaten by marco van Basten in euro88. now theres a name and a goal!

didn't our own ronnie whelan score a spectacular goal against that keeper?

He did, and if I remember he caught the ball on his shin but it was a spectacular volley all the same!
The irish team had one of their greatest ever performances that day, and were unlucky not to win. I remember aldridge blasting a virtual gimmie over the bar instead of just slotting it home as he should have. I think Dasayevs reputation might have caused him to think - a fatal mistake for any striker. Overall a great day that, as earlier van bastan put england out of their misery with a hat trick.

While we're talking about Ronnie Whelan, I'm still recovering from the shock of finding out he was a Man u fan growing up. Still though, he won something like 5 Leagus, 3 FACups, 3 Leagues cups and a european cup,, he was around for another European cup final, League cup final and a league, but not 100% sure if he qualified for medals in those.
  老七守球是不是这样的? - 阿胖~ 02/25/09 (118)
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