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The logic is
送交者: 麻衣神道 2009月04月24日15:49:39 于 [竞技沙龙] 发送悄悄话
回  答: the logic isw2mazi 于 2009-04-24 15:14:21
purely based on the computer B-ball. In a computer game, you control everything by pre-setting. But in a real B-ball game, you cannot.

In the last game, Portland alternatively used Aldridge, Przybilla and Oden working on YM, keeping the ball away from him successfully.

Feeding to YM is a pre-setting. No guarantee it always works every time in real games.

Wining a computer game may depend on your desire, but absolutely not in a real game.

Wake up, Mazi.
  The logic is - w2mazi 04/24/09 (139)
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